Cleaning and Maintaining your Night Guard ( Occlusal Guard )
Insertion: If appliance is fitting too tightly, place in warm water for 30 seconds prior to insertion
For periodic removal of debris and maintenance, you can use any mild, over-the-counter cleaning agents designed for oral devices. If needed, use a soft bristle brush to clean the inside of your appliance for debris removal. Validated cleaning agents include Dawn dish soap, Polident, Efferdent, 3% peroxide solution, 10% bleach solution and mouthwash.
- DO NOT SOAK your appliance in any liquid for more than 1 hour.
- DO NOT use abrasive cleaning agents ( i.e. toothpaste )
- DISPOSE of cleaning solution after every use. Rinse appliance well.
- DO NOT SOAK the appliance in water hotter than 113 F due to risk of warping